You saved my life Our client spoke these words to me at the end of our first jury trial. Twelve citizens returned a verdict of Not Guilty for our client accused of an assault on a public servant. Assault on a public servant is one of the most difficult kinds of criminal cases to win. The alleged victim is typically a police officer, and always a person who has a great deal of respect in the community. To be successful we had to convince 12 jurors to find reasonable doubt in the police officer's sworn testimony. Our client was facing a potential prison sentence of 20 years in the Texas Department of Corrections. We believed in my client. We worked diligently on his behalf. Throughout his case, and in particular the week of the trial, we were his voice. Matthew Nichols and James Gill made sure the jury heard my client.James Gill and Matthew Nichols formed the Nichols & Gill, P.C. in 2010 to provide better service to our clients. Although each case is different, many of the same situations arise. Having multiple attorneys available gives us more experience and support then we found we could deliver as solo attorneys. Also, we happen to enjoy each other���s company. We are criminal defense lawyers dedicated to making sure our client's voice is heard. We are forceful and persuasive advocate throughout the legal process. We have enjoyed many successes on behalf of our clients, as well as shared disappointments. We have attended funerals and celebrated birthdays with my clients. We are pleased to be the first number many clients call when he or she has a problem. We want to do everything I can to help you or your loved one. If you are accused of a crime, we want to be your voice.Personal BiographyJames R. Gill

Undergraduate Education
* Southwestern University: Georgetown, Texas 1996-1997
* University of Texas: Austin, Texas 1998-2000
Legal Education
* South Texas College of Law: Houston, Texas 2000-2003
* University of Texas Law: Austin, Texas 2003
Abroad Legal Education
* Victoria University of Wellington: New Zealand - 2001
* University of Malta: Malta - 2003
Continuing Education
* 10/21/05 Trial Strategy Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
* 10/28/05 Developing Trial Theme
* 1/12/07 Trial Tactics Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
* 1/26/07 Defense Trial Tactics to Win a DWI
* 1/23/07 Breath Test Case: The Center for American and International Law
* 2/02/07 Case Preparation Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Professional Memberships
* ACDLA - Austin Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
* TCDLA - Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
* YMBL- Young Men���s Business League
Matthew C. Nichols